
We Build Devops Professionals
By Empowering your own employees!
We are proud to invite you to a very special presentation of Devopshift Academy presented by it's founder Yaniv Cohen.
We are going to talk about what is "Devops" and why it's not a magic word and nor a single person or a group of employees with a Devops title.
Know How massive the Devops idea is and what need to be accomplished to make it happen in your organization.
We'll talk about Software foundation - The Microservices Design patterns and why companies fails to move from their Monolith to a more microservices cloud native design.
The secret of End to End responsibility of development teams - No more pointing fingers
From Coding to production! they do it all.
Lastly -
Don't (try) hire a DEVOPS - it wont solve your problem.
Train your team (as they know your product best) from Product managers to Developers , IT and QA teams and always note that the right Software architecture - is what matter to achieve Devops originated organization and short your time to market!

The vast knowledge and expertise going Devops requires months of head hunting and thousands of euros are being spent for tracking , hiring and training a single Devops Engineer. This is causing that 78% of fortune 500 companies will fail in implementing Devops architecture by 2021.
Outsourcing Devops Wont work as the knowledge needs to stay in house and outsourcing specific project or task will in most cases fail once the outsource company leaves and no In house trained team can continue the development and maintenance that a cloud native architecture requires (Both in IT and Software)
Meetups, Paid seminars and E-learning Are too high level and wont be focused on your company product, teams and limitations. This will cause uneven knowledge cross teams which in the end will cause chaos and finger pointing when projects fails
Companies all around the world from small startups to Super enterprises are trying to adopt the Devops way. The reasons doing so are countless but the main ones are to shorten the time for feature release, change and improve the relationship between R&D and IT by advocating better communication and collaboration between these two business units, Moving to a Microservices design from the old Monolith architecture , Building an elastic scaleable software infrastructure architecture and migrate like many others to the cloud for cost saving (In some cases...) and elasticity.

Our agenda is to train your own employees to become Devops in your company with the knowledge base that is needed now and based on your product, Team members, roadmap and limitations. along with a deep discovery and gap analysis phases - so instead of spending 100k in 12 months for locating a candidate and another 5 months to train one. Give us a call and understand how we help companies evolve and empower their own employees on their own product in workshops and tailored seminars that really make a change... read more

What Makes Us Different ?
We educate based on real companies needs
And not base on buzz words
We do DevOps all day and all night.
We constantly identify companies needs base on the fact that we develop the materials and content of what companies really needs as we are part of the DevopShift group which is an Israeli consulting company that provides Devops and software architecture consulting to the top end Hi-Tech companies in israel along with dozens of seminars and interviews being made every month by our Founder around the world.
On Premise classes only
E-Learning just don't cut for Devops
E-learning is nice if you wish to "learn" on the beach. we believe that Devops needs to be taught face to face where the instructor can sit next to you when you are stuck in a Lab , Require personal assistant or a more professional questions are needed to be answered.
On Premise classes only
E-Learning just don't cut for Devops
E-learning is nice if you wish to "learn" on the beach. we believe that Devops needs to be taught face to face where the instructor can sit next to you when you are stuck in a Lab , Require personal assistant or have a professional questions regarding the company architecture that needs to be answered.
Foundation are critical
We teach architecture and then tools
Most Trainings syllabus focus on buzz words and 3 days "overview" of a technology. Devops in your company needs to have deep understanding of how your software and IT architecture works. only that way a real change can take place. The tools are only the means to an end of building a cloud native environment but the software architecture will actually makes it work for you instead of against you and drain your IT and RND budget.
DEVOPSHIFT will train your company and Employees from bottom to top to plan, build and maintain your new Cloud native architecture .

The Founder
The Founder and the lead Architect and Instructor Yaniv Cohen who has more than 20 years of experience as an IT Pro, Software Architect , SVP Engineering , CTO And Founder in many Israeli HI-TECH companies. Yaniv Built the Framework , Material , labs and projects that we teach and consult by as a result to his vast hands on experience, Managerial and consulting.