In this track we will focus on Designing and deploying your cloud native application (On-Prem / Cloud). doing so requires more than just deploying a K8S cluster and trying to build a microservices application or POC your application inside a container...
Our main agenda in this track is to concentrate on training your employees from CTO to Product Managers and
Developers to IT Personal on how to empower the Devops culture, Train and create workshops base on the discovery and gap analysis phase on how to utilize the Microservices design patterns and software architecture , Deploy and maintain K8S In production , Build a CI/CD as a service and much more base on Your own product, View, Roadmap and internal limitations.

Building the right Human foundation using your own personal by making sure everyone understand the meaning of the Devops Culture and how it will benefit them. CTO's for large companies will understand how they can compete with small startups that build fast, agile and adopt changes in tenth of the budget and human resources.
Product managers will understand why shifting to Devops methodology will allow them to release features in hours instead of days or weeks and make their customers happy.
Developers will see how the tools and ways behind the Devops Term will allow them to develop in multiple languages , evaluate and switch to new technology when and where they need too in days (Switching Oracle DB to MYSQL or MongoDB for example) instead of saying it's impossible. Deliver faster , No delay in building testing environment and waiting for IT and much much more...
Building A microservices architecture and it's benefits became a common knowledge while doing it right without spending months and years of Human hours and eventually failing became even more common.
There are so many things to take into consideration when Building a Microservices architecture that fits your product - The right design patterns for async , Event driven / source architecture or the right bus / messaging system selection, Service Discovery , Secret management, Service mesh, stateless and stateful application, along with implementing K8S in production that will really work along with exposing with White box Monitoring KPI's and creating a self healing environments as your system cannot sustain a down time and waking up at 3am from an sms to restart a service is so "2000"..
And the biggest pain of it all how can or should we migrate from a Monolith to Microservices without breaking everything and freezing all feature releases...

Advanced K8S deployments on premised or in a Cloud by utilising IAC tools such as Terraform and Rancher as a K8S manager. Implement secret and discovery system along with API GW and Fully end2end CI/CD as a service solution from Dev to Production... so many tools and where should you start
We wont teach you what you dont need,
once we complete the Gap analysis we will create seminars that includes the tools and services you requires for your company and product.